2021-12-30T13:05:43+00:00Trafficking in Human Beings: A Local Perspective on a Global Phenomenon2021-12-30T13:05:43+00:00Tags: local policies, SDG 05, SDG 16, SDG 17, violence|
2021-12-28T13:13:58+00:00Temporal analysis of gender violence murders of women in Spain over 15 years (2003-2017)2021-12-28T13:13:58+00:00Tags: equality policies, gender equality, gender violence, SDG 05, Spain, Women|
2021-10-29T11:22:11+00:00Synergy for our human rights. In the face of violence against women in Mexico, Spain and Guatemala2021-10-29T11:22:11+00:00Tags: gender equality, gender violence, Latin America and the Caribbean, SDG 05, Spain|
2021-10-27T09:09:02+00:00Unmasking abuse and manipulation2021-10-27T09:09:02+00:00Tags: gender equality, gender violence, SDG 05|
2021-10-27T08:50:18+00:00Gender and human rights2021-10-27T08:50:18+00:00Tags: gender equality, gender perspective, SDG 05|
2021-09-28T11:00:16+00:00Gender equality. Women’s rights in review 25 years after Beijing2021-09-28T11:00:16+00:00Tags: gender equality, SDG 05, SDG 17|
2021-09-28T11:00:24+00:00Guiding principles on the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in development policy and programs2021-09-28T11:00:24+00:00Tags: LGBTI+, SDG 10, SDG 11|
2021-09-28T11:00:24+00:00How Can We Best Learn about LGBTI Development Outcomes?2021-09-28T11:00:24+00:00Tags: LGBTI+, SDG 11|
2021-09-28T11:00:25+00:00The Sustainable Development Goals and LGBTI People2021-09-28T11:00:25+00:00Tags: LGBTI+, SDG 10, SDG 11, SDG 16|
2021-12-30T13:37:36+00:00Youth and Gender Barometer 20212021-12-30T13:37:36+00:00Tags: affective-sexual diversity, gender equality, gender identities, gender perspective, SDG 05, young people|
2021-10-28T11:03:27+00:00Gender and ICTs2021-10-28T11:03:27+00:00Tags: gender equality, inequalities, SDG 05, SDG 09, STEM|
2021-09-28T11:00:24+00:00Guiding principles on the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in development policy and programs2021-09-28T11:00:24+00:00Tags: LGBTI+, SDG 10, SDG 11|
2021-09-28T11:00:24+00:00How Can We Best Learn about LGBTI Development Outcomes?2021-09-28T11:00:24+00:00Tags: LGBTI+, SDG 11|
2021-09-28T11:00:25+00:00The Sustainable Development Goals and LGBTI People2021-09-28T11:00:25+00:00Tags: LGBTI+, SDG 10, SDG 11, SDG 16|
2021-12-29T13:42:46+00:00The situation of women in the labour market 20202021-12-29T13:42:46+00:00Tags: economic autonomy, equality policies, gender equality, SDG 05, SDG 08, Spain, Women|
2021-12-29T12:20:27+00:00Women’s digital entrepreneurship in Spain: Situation and outlook2021-12-29T12:20:27+00:00Tags: economic autonomy, innovation, SDG 05, SDG 09, Spain, STEM, Women|
2021-10-29T11:13:47+00:00State Women’s Labour Market Report 20202021-10-29T11:13:47+00:00Tags: employment policies, gender equality, SDG 05, SDG 08, Spain, Women|
2021-10-29T10:47:56+00:00Good Practice Guide for mainstreaming the perspective in the sectoral field of economy, business and employment2021-10-29T10:47:56+00:00Tags: employment policies, gender equality, SDG 05, SDG 08, Women|
2021-10-29T10:48:08+00:00Gender and Work2021-10-29T10:48:08+00:00Tags: employment policies, gender equality, inequalities, SDG 05, SDG 08, Women|
2021-10-28T10:43:39+00:00The gender approach in the Social and Solidarity Economy: Contributions from Feminist Economics2021-10-28T10:43:39+00:00Tags: feminism, gender equality, gender perspective, SDG 05, SDG 08, Social and Solidarity Economy|
2021-10-28T07:53:40+00:00Feminist Economics. Essays on the Role of Women in Economics, Education and Development2021-10-28T07:53:40+00:00Tags: economic development, education, gender perspective, SDG 05, SDG 08|
2021-09-28T11:00:48+00:00Women in the Social and Solidarity Economy2021-09-28T11:00:48+00:00Tags: SDG 05, SDG 11, Social and Solidarity Economy, Spain|
2021-09-28T11:00:49+00:00Empowering Women at Work2021-09-28T11:00:49+00:00Tags: COVID19, empowerment, jobs|
2021-12-29T12:20:27+00:00Women’s digital entrepreneurship in Spain: Situation and outlook2021-12-29T12:20:27+00:00Tags: economic autonomy, innovation, SDG 05, SDG 09, Spain, STEM, Women|
2021-10-28T11:03:27+00:00Gender and ICTs2021-10-28T11:03:27+00:00Tags: gender equality, inequalities, SDG 05, SDG 09, STEM|
2021-10-27T11:29:38+00:00A guide to incorporating a gender perspective in health research2021-10-27T11:29:38+00:00Tags: Andalusia, gender equality, gender perspective, Health, SDG 05|
2021-09-28T11:00:07+00:00Gender and innovation challenges in relation to science and technology policies2021-09-28T11:00:07+00:00Tags: gender equality, SDG 05, STEM|
2021-10-27T11:58:21+00:00Ecology and gender in interdisciplinary dialogue2021-10-27T11:58:21+00:00Tags: Environment, gender equality, gender perspective, SDG 05, SDG 11, SDG 13, sustainability|
2021-10-27T11:53:54+00:00Guide to good practices in gender mainstreaming in the fields of agriculture, water and rural development2021-10-27T11:53:54+00:00Tags: Environment, gender equality, gender perspective, local development, SDG 05, SDG 11, SDG 13, sustainability|
2021-09-28T11:00:21+00:00Building a New Future Transformative Recovery with Equality and Sustainability2021-09-28T11:00:21+00:00Tags: gender equality, publics policies, SDG 05, SDG 11, SDG 16, sustainability|
2021-12-30T13:05:43+00:00Trafficking in Human Beings: A Local Perspective on a Global Phenomenon2021-12-30T13:05:43+00:00Tags: local policies, SDG 05, SDG 16, SDG 17, violence|
2021-12-29T13:41:27+00:00Guidelines for incorporating the gender perspective in actions that can be financed within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan2021-12-29T13:41:27+00:00Tags: equality policies, gender perspective, SDG 01, SDG 05, SDG 10|
2021-12-29T13:42:46+00:00The situation of women in the labour market 20202021-12-29T13:42:46+00:00Tags: economic autonomy, equality policies, gender equality, SDG 05, SDG 08, Spain, Women|
2021-12-28T13:13:58+00:00Temporal analysis of gender violence murders of women in Spain over 15 years (2003-2017)2021-12-28T13:13:58+00:00Tags: equality policies, gender equality, gender violence, SDG 05, Spain, Women|
2021-12-28T12:20:08+00:00An unequal contest. Violence against women in politics2021-12-28T12:20:08+00:00Tags: equality policies, gender equality, political participation, SDG 05, SDG 17, violence, Women|
2021-12-28T11:19:41+00:00Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 20112021-12-28T11:19:41+00:00Tags: equality policies, gender equality, SDG 05, SDG 17, Women|
2021-10-29T11:13:47+00:00State Women’s Labour Market Report 20202021-10-29T11:13:47+00:00Tags: employment policies, gender equality, SDG 05, SDG 08, Spain, Women|
2021-10-29T10:47:56+00:00Good Practice Guide for mainstreaming the perspective in the sectoral field of economy, business and employment2021-10-29T10:47:56+00:00Tags: employment policies, gender equality, SDG 05, SDG 08, Women|
2021-10-29T10:48:08+00:00Gender and Work2021-10-29T10:48:08+00:00Tags: employment policies, gender equality, inequalities, SDG 05, SDG 08, Women|
2021-10-27T11:29:38+00:00A guide to incorporating a gender perspective in health research2021-10-27T11:29:38+00:00Tags: Andalusia, gender equality, gender perspective, Health, SDG 05|
2021-09-28T11:00:05+00:00Gender Equality in Public Administration2021-09-28T11:00:05+00:00Tags: gender discrimination, gender equality, publics policies, SDG 05, SDG 10, SDG 11|
2021-09-28T11:00:18+00:00Promoting gender equality. Towards a gender-based approach in decentralised cooperation projects2021-09-28T11:00:18+00:00Tags: gender equality, international cooperation, local policies, SDG 05, SDG 11, SDG 17|
2021-09-28T11:00:19+00:00A toolbox for Local Governments to implement SDG#5 on Gender Equality2021-09-28T11:00:19+00:00Tags: gender equality, local policies, SDG 05, SDG 11|
2021-09-28T11:00:21+00:00Building a New Future Transformative Recovery with Equality and Sustainability2021-09-28T11:00:21+00:00Tags: gender equality, publics policies, SDG 05, SDG 11, SDG 16, sustainability|
2021-10-27T11:45:31+00:00G+Project. A methodology for using public budgeting to improve gender equality2021-10-27T11:45:31+00:00Tags: Andalusia, gender equality, publics policies, SDG 05, SDG 16|
2021-09-28T11:00:48+00:00Gender and human development: an indispensable relationship2021-09-28T11:00:48+00:00Tags: gender equality, human development, SDG 05|
2021-09-28T11:00:48+00:00Towards gender integration in economic development2021-09-28T11:00:48+00:00Tags: economic development, gender equality, publics policies|