Women and Equality in Municipal Cooperation Resource Library


From FAMSI we welcome you to the Equality in Municipal Cooperation Resource Bank. This bank aims to serve as a tool for those who work in cooperation, becoming a reference to access key information to develop our initiatives ensuring gender equality, and progress towards a more feminist municipal cooperation agenda, adjusted to the reality of the territories.

The resources included in the bank ‘Women from here & there’ are available to professionals and interested citizens, and are structured in six thematic blocks of interest: economy & business, environment & sustainability, social diversity, policy & institutions, innovation & research, and human rights.

It gathers consultation materials with a gender perspective on relevant issues such as women’s political participation & the incorporation of women into political positions of responsibility, the planning of equality strategies & plans at the local level, gender budgeting, social policies & equality in access to resources, economic autonomy & empowerment of women, employment & economic policies and the urban agenda from a gender perspective, among others.

There is a growing consensus in cooperation, both at the international and local levels, that the success or failure of political commitments, both in terms of short-term results and impact, depend largely on the incorporation of gender equality as a key element. The 2030 agenda recognizes this, and the Sustainable Development Goals not only include a specific one on gender equality, SDG 5, but a good part of its 169 targets refer to gender issues, and specifically address the circumstances of women and girls.

As an entity that brings together local governments, we are aware of the importance of bringing the women’s agenda to local action, which is a truly transformative element of the development strategies of the territories, and consequently, of the sustainability of people’s lives and rights. This is our contribution.


Business & economy

Business & economy

Environment & sustainability

Environment & sustainability

Social diversity

Social diversity

Policy & institutions

Policy & institutions

Innovation & research

Innovation & research

Human rights

Human rights

Full resources library

Full resources library